Out too late? Drank too much? Slept too little? While this wonder drink won’t erase those late-night texts, it will re-hydrate you as it delivers a powerful dose of vitamins, antioxidants & a natural anti-inflammatory boost. Turmeric is one trendy ingredient right now – and with good reason! Used in ayurvedic medicine for centuries, turmeric root is known for it’s anti-inflammatory properties, soothing everything from headaches to stomach woes.


My husband and I have recently been on a golden smoothie kick. This particular recipe started when Josh had a cold and wanted to load up on vitamin C – he threw a bunch of tangerines into the blender with a chunk of ginger. Holy moly! The first one that he made was so tasty, I declared it the $9 fancy-juice-bar-smoothie. Who knew? Tangerines and ginger can pack quite a tasty punch. I upped the game by adding a quarter teaspoon of turmeric. Not only did it enhance the flavour and boost the nutrition profile, but the colour was absolutely stunning!