Category: avocado
The Un-Burger (Roasted Portobello Burger with Sprouted Seeds & Avocado)
Summertime – a season that is synonymous with renewal and resetting. School is out, and, if you’re lucky, work has slowed down. The sun shines more often, casting an upbeat…
Que-Pasta? (Noodles & Avocado Sauce)
My name is Allison, and I am an avocadoholic. I can’t help it; it’s all I ever want to eat. I’ve tried to figure out what it is that draws…
Spring Fresh (Avocado & Mango Salad)
I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my warmest welcome to my most desired season: springtime. While blooming flowers begin to paint the city with their limitless palette and…
The WhatTheHellAreYouEating Sandwich (Avocado & Beans)
Sometimes, the best tasting foods are the messiest ugliest most aesthetically unappealing ones. Prime example: Sloppy Joes. Visually, Sloppy Joes resemble a bread bun that’s regurgitated a hamburger onto itself. And, living well up…
Good For The Heart
Many of you might recall a little jingle from childhood, you know, the one that relates beans with flatulence a certain bodily function that shall remain nameless. Well, that little…
Three Minute Masterpiece
Rice wraps.If you haven’t done so already, I strongly urge you to get on the bandwagon. Light and easy to work with, rice wraps are a fail safe go-to anytime…
My Noodly Appendage
I’ve always been known to keep a well stocked fridge and pantry. Among other basic necessities, you’ll rarely find me lacking any of the following foods: assorted cheeses, frozen vegetables,…