Dress Up (Sweet & Tangy Sesame Dressing)
I am aware that you don’t make friends with salad, however… nobody’s ever said that you don’t make friends with salad dressing! This dressing, my friends, is heaven in a mason jar. This dressing, my friends, will make even those salad-haters (you know who you are), want to eat salad. This dressing, my friends, could even be used on things other than salad. (OH! THE POSSIBILITIES!).
This dressing is it.
Having gotten myself into the daily habit of coming home to eat organic carrots dipped straight into the tahini jar, proceeding to declare that this indeed consists of an acceptable dinner (because, you know, it’s summer, and really, who wants to turn on the oven, or move more muscles than needed?) I’ve decided that I should use my newfound love of sesame paste to experiment.
Inspired by the dwindling contents of my fridge, some vegetables that needed to be consumed, and a craving for something nutty, I concocted this sesame-soy-blow-your-mind-baby.
World, I introduce to you the best salad dressing in existence.
Oh yeah, and the salad I made is pretty decent too.
Sweet & Tangy Sesame Dressing
on Beet & Citrus Salad
what you’ll need
1 cup arugula
1 medium beet, sliced thin
1 tangerine, segments cut in half
2 tbsp hulled sunflower seeds
4 radishes (if desired)
1/4 cup tahini
3 tbsp light olive oil
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp white vinegar
2 tsp soy sauce
how to do it
Combine all salad ingredients. Whisk dressing ingredients all together. Pour about 5 tbsp of dressing over salad, or more, to taste.