It seems that every week in quarantine, a new “it” food pops up all over the internet, seemingly out of nowhere. I don’t know who started the trend this time, but my social feeds were innondated with photos of cinnamon buns last week. It gave me the most hankering craving.
The thing is, I’ve had some really medocre cinnamon buns. I’ve even MADE some dry, anticlimactic cinnamon buns. I didn’t want to waste my time, nor my precious flour (which, as we all know, is a hot commodity these days.) So, I turned to a book that I knew I could trust: The Food Lab.

I thought these would be time-consuming and laborious, but they were surprisingly simple. Two rises, a total of only 4 hours, no overnight proofing or fancy equipment needed. Simple, delicious, cinnamony goodness.