Spring is in the air, and I’ve decided that there is no better time than now to do some spring-cleaning-of-my-body. I’ll be doing this not by dieting, but by incorporating more healthy, nutrient-packed meals and snacks. I decided to start this off by taking a dive into my vegetable bin… which is when I discovered some vegetables and fruits that were looking a little less than savoury edible. Carrots growing roots, apples so wilted they could go undercover as prunes, and some oranges that resembled a fat old lady’s butt cheeks much more so than any citrus fruit I’ve ever seen. Thing is, I absolutely despise wasting food. Brilliant-idea-alert: Now is the perfect time to dust off my trusty juicer and get juicing!

Here is what I came up with:

revitalizing carrot, ginger and orange